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Digital Man

A member registered Oct 26, 2021

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Thanks for the quick reply.  To disk we go!

I made my own custom EasyFlash cart for this and I've been playing v1.0.7 for a bit.  If I flash the newest version will I lose my saves?

I managed to create gerbers from an Eagle file

Can you point to the gerbers or BOM?  I can only find the EF3.  I guess the Versa64Cart is not an option?

Hmm....that sidekick looks interesting.... Haven't heard of that project.  What's easier to build, EasyFlash or Sidekick64?  SK64 looks more versatile.  

What other hardware could this run from?  ie. UII+, EasyFlash, etc?  Is it possible to build my own cartridge?  For example, OpenCart or other open project out there?  

Wow!  I've only played it for a few minutes...amazing game for an even more amazing price!  Hope to sink my teeth in when the holidays come.